Yesterday, I was chatting to my colleagues. Kim said, “I’ve been awake since about 5.15, but that’s ok. I pottered around at home and did stuff.” That sounds nice, I thought. Sandra said, “It was a gorgeous morning. I had my breakfast in the garden.” That sounds nice, I thought.
This morning, I awoke at around 4.45am. I got out of bed to use the toilet then got back into bed and wondered about my chances of falling back to sleep before my alarm was due to go off at 6.30am. I closed my eyes and lay there for a while. I opened my eyes and noticed that light had started to filter in through the blinds. I remembered that the weather is forecast to get warmer over the next few days. I closed my eyes.
I opened my eyes and I looked at the light at the window. I thought about Kim and Sandra. I thought about the bench in my garden and how, this spring, I have done some planting. I thought about getting out of bed, making a cup of tea and going outside to sit on my bench. I wondered if it would be warm enough to be comfortable. I thought about how warm and comfortable my bed was. I imagined it being quite fresh outside, perhaps a little too cold. I closed my eyes.
I opened my eyes. I thought about yesterday’s local elections. I thought about my cousin who is standing as a local councillor in London. I wondered how he got on. This thought propelled me out of bed to go downstairs, get my phone, and see if I could find out the results.
I’m not proud that it was the thought of my smartphone rather than the new spring morning that got me out of bed, but never mind. I was out of bed. That’s what mattered.
Once downstairs, I fed the cats and made myself a cup of tea. I decided to open the back door, just to see what it was like out there. I opened the door and stepped out. A wood pigeon cooed on next-door’s roof. The sky was light and there was a pinkish hue all around. Garden birds chirped. The air was fresh, cool and comfortable. I picked up my cup of tea, carried it into the garden, and sat down on my bench.
Here, words fail me. The beauty of the morning took over. I experienced many feelings (gratitude, wonder, appreciation, curiosity and others) but they were in the background as I listened to the pigeon, looked up at the sky and breathed the air. This or staying in bed. There was no contest. Yet, although this is available to me every day, I so rarely take it up on its offer. Usually I stay in bed for as long as I can then rush around showering, making breakfasts, making packed lunches and giving instructions to forgetful children. Those things will still happen but, this morning, I enjoyed a wonderful slice of light and hope provided by the rising sun and all the possibility that she brings.
This could be mine, every day. It’s there for the taking. It’s yours too. This belongs to all of us and we can have it by making one simple decision: to get out of bed before the alarm goes off.
Rebecca Bartholomew, 6 May 2022
PS. He was elected (well done, Dan).