Since the start of 2020, the world has changed. While online therapy had been in existence for a long time prior, it was the exception rather than the norm. Now, people across the globe are embracing the opportunities that meeting with others online can offer. Here are three of the advantages of having your therapy online.
- It’s time-efficient. Doing therapy online means that there are no peripheral time demands outside of the therapy hour itself. No travel time. No waiting outside for your therapist to finish seeing their previous client. You don’t even have to change out of your joggers first if you don’t want to.
- It’s flexible. With online therapy, you can have therapy wherever you happen to be. At work? Have a therapy session from your car during your lunch hour. On holiday? Login using the hotel or cottage wifi and have your session. At home? Have your therapy from the comfort of your own sofa with your cat on your lap.
- It’s effective. In a Solution Focussed Hypnotherapy session there will be dialogue and trance. Both of these primarily use verbal communication, meaning that the desired effects can easily be achieved when done online. People everywhere are realising, through their own personal experience, that online hypnotherapy works very well, and they keep coming back for more!
Online hypnotherapy is the modern way. It is the future. And, as Solution Focussed Hypnotherapy is a future-oriented therapy, doing it online is satisfyingly fitting.
Rebecca Bartholomew, 27 October 2021